Book Snob
Life and thoughts of a pontefice... :)
I find myself so incredibly obsessed with this new Pope. I mean, not like I care what he does/ says, it's just that I'm back to where I began, the recognition of the power of this person who's going to "rule" over a billion people. Now, that's a lot. Romans at their peak didn't rule over a billion. Maybe British at their peak did, but that's about it. I'm wondering what's illuminated, what's going to be good, how can he avoid alienating all the people who don't believe in a vengeful God. I'm so fascinated with the process, the hierarchy, the formalities. I don't know what it is. I am curious, curious out of my mind!! I wonder if it is the morose curiosity of rubberneckers, or vultures: those who know something bad is going to happen and can't wait for it! I'm a little baffled at this attitude, I can't help it. I just so hope I'm wrong. For all that billion who really lives by his dictates...
(e qui, o la sapete o la sapete, non c'e' niente da fare!)
Pero' I Have a Dream.
Nella nuova ritrovata "fede" penso che Dio sia piu' buono di cosi' con noi, e gli fara' vedere la luce: Ratzinger ci stupira' adottando politiche progressiste, tipo, sostenere l'uso dei preservativi in Africa e rivedere la politica sul divorzio. Poi iniziera' a dire che Dio e' Amore e non Odio, e il messaggio di Gesu' e' di dire di si', non di dire di no, e quindi bisogna tutti volerci bene, anche gli uominisessuali, anche i depravati, anche quelle che non arrivano vergini al matrimonio. E a chi sta con i mafiosi, a chi alla domenica va alla Messa e il Lunedi' evade il fisco, fa le corna alla moglie/marito, presta soldi a strozzinaggio, chiude la porta ai marocchini e fa il tifo per Bossi, niente piu' assoluzione, e vediamo chi la fa la Chiesa! E se uno invece si sbaglia una volta e alla fine decide di divorziare, allora a loro gliela diamo l'assoluzione, e anche a quelli che usano la pillola e il preservativo, a quelli che si vogliono bene e fanno del loro meglio anche se convivono e non sono sposati. Insomma, ribaltera' le regole e fara' una Chiesa per tutti, una Chiesa per chi ci crede che la Chiesa serva a qualcosa, non solo a coprire i misfatti e le trame politiche e i secoli di livore.
Vedrete, sara' una rivoluzione, un vero illuminato!!
Forza RatzingaZeta!!!
(questa e' Rowena nella sua migliore edizione da Copy, ho provato a resistere alla tentazione di non pubblicarla fino a che non l'avessi fatto tu nel tuo blog, ma... ma non ho saputo resistere. Non posso non usare il concetto di RatzingaZeta, Rowena, perche' e' una delle tue uscite piu' geniali!! Penso che RatzingaZeta mi dara' l'assoluzione...)
Vacation vacation vacation. That's all I can think about: vacation, beach, sun, sea, relax, sleeping. Water, fishes, swimming, more sun, great food, sleep. Am I making sense? and if I'm not, who cares??
I have found myself irremediably European when it comes to time off. For those who don't know, I took the entire month of December off, and then some. So, it's only been 3 months and a half since the last time off, no-project-on-sight, but it feels like a century. I'm tired, I'm cranky, I NEED a vacation. It's seriously physical. I have a hard time concentrating, I'm tired "inside", I'm craving these next TEN (yiiippiiieeeeeeee!!!) days of nothing but relax. I'm kind of afraid that moving forward it's not a good sign that I have such a physical need to stop every 3 months, but... oh well! I just don't understand this American policy with time off, like ten working days are enough, in a year, to rest and recollect. I BLESS my company, and its fabulous policy of giving overtime in additional vacation. It's the best company in the world!!! I was listening to the radio the other day to this host who was making a fuss about the fact the State of California is giving out additional time off to employees. He was saying, that's not money, that's just time nobody knows what to do with!! It makes me flip. Like quality of life, spending time with your family (even if you stay home!) are just useless extras nobody should care about. Whatever.
Anyway. We're leaving Wednesday. Ten days. FREE. It doesn't get any better than this... :)
This was going to be my next post anyway, but Heather beat me to it.
You know, with the Pope's death and being raised Catholic, IN ITALY, and all, I've been giving this entire topic a whole lot of thoughts recently, and I have to say I disagree with Heather. In the end, I have found myself catholic in spite of myself. Let me elaborate.
My entire value system, my entire ethic, is based on catholic values. Whether I pretty much disagree with the church in every possible way imaginable, I have found that I am a catholic. I act like a catholic. My belief system is based on the catholic teachings.
Now, now, let's not get carried away: God is One, no matter whether they tell me it's three, I just can't buy it (and I believe I could be officially labeled heretic just for this!). I don't buy the Bible, I think it's a great religious tool, full of good intentions, but its historic truthfulness... c'mon, we're talking about a document elaborated in times when barely one millionth of the population knew how to read, and it hasn't been updated in the past 2000 years! The infallibility of the Pope is BS, the policy on contraception is medieval- gosh, the entire policy toward sex is counter-nature: if God didn't want us to enjoy it, He wouldn't have made it fun! Of course, I believe my kids should really mean the love they make to other people. But they shouldn't have sex only after marriage, that's ridiculous!!
What I mean is, I believe in the power of charity, in all being the same in front of God, I believe in a loving God, and I believe that I will have to pay my dues in front of him for my behaviors. I still haven't decided whether that's just my conscience I need to report to, or is there really some after life deal. I guess you can say I'm a discriminating catholic. I have built my own system of belief, but it's deeply rooted and founded on the religion I have been taught. The person I am, the things I believe are right or wrong, my moral, my values- all have a lot of catholic in it.
So, when I raise my kids, I think I will raise them catholic because I want them to share the same system of values. In the process, I will also teach them that nothing that they learn in Sunday school should be taken as unquestionable truth, and that they need to look critically at the things that are fed to them, and decide for themselves what they want to with it. I will teach them to be as discriminating as I am, but I want them to have that set of value to guide them through life. After that, whether they decide to elaborate their own belief system, or be church zealots, I will love them anyway. I will for sure fight the teaching of a terrorizing God that looks down at your faults and is willing to punish every single move!
You can say I'm not in that much disagreement in the end. It's all about the tools to reach the same goal: love our children and hope they learn only the best stuff!
I had an inspiration for a short story. I'm not sure where this will end up going, but I kinda liked it... I was feeling so proud of my work, but Cielo did not enjoy. Uhm. Thoughts?
Ieri la mia amica mi ha mandato un'email che richiedeva una preghiera per il Papa. Sul momento ho pensato che fosse ubriaca, mi ha fatto ridere che non ci fosse una nota umoristica alla fine, o almeno, mi ha sorpreso che mi avesse mandato una mail cosi'. A me! Possibly the least fan on the planet. Le ho scritto una mail dopo mesi che non ci sentivamo, dopo un eccesso di bullshit scoppiato in occasione di un matrimonio. Anyway, volevo essere umoristica, evidentemente non ci sono riuscita.
Penso a tutto il tempo passato a pensare, ci sono persone che devi accettare come sono. In fin dei conti, ho imparato tanto da lei. Io, sempre protagonista a tutti i costi, ho imparato a prendere il sedile posteriore. Lei era piu' protagonista di me, sia negli eccessi che nei momenti in cui mi guardava con senso di distacco, alla, fai pure tu! Ascolto gli U2 e penso a uno dei momenti piu' belli passati insieme, e non era un momento felice. C'erano gli U2 che cantavano Stuck in a Moment, e lei mi raccontava dei problemi che aveva col suo ragazzo, delle ragioni per cui dopo tanti anni non riusciva piu' a stare con lui, quando lui era la persona con cui pensava di stare tutta la vita. Era triste, e io ero triste per lei. Abbiamo pianto e ci siamo consolate, e quel momento da solo e' forse il piu' bello davvero di tutti gli anni che ci siamo conosciute. Anche tra i momenti buffi del nostro "epico" viaggio. Le tenerezza di poter parlare con qualcuno che ha il coraggio di dirti le cose che devi sentirti dire, io a lei e lei a me. C'e' un affetto intrinseco in quei momenti. Non so se da quella sera di qualche anno fa sia cambiata lei o sia cambiata io, o meglio ancora, siamo cambiate entrambe in direzioni opposte. Sono rimaste della nostra amicizia solo le cose che non hanno mai funzionato, quel senso di condivisione e' sparito. Per certi versi mi dispiace, anche se il nostro rapporto non e' mai stato semplice, o scontato. E' sempre stato una cosa da conquistarsi. Il che e' da solo la cosa piu' grande che ho imparato dal rapporto con lei. Lavorare per appianare le incongruenze, le differenze. Penso che la mia voglia, o la mia disponibilita' di lavorare per avere le persone nella mia vita non sia piu' cosi' forte. E' come se si nutrisse delle mie insicurezze, dell'inevitbile adolescente che mi porto dietro e che sta morendo, ogni giorno di piu'. Penso che sia la stessa cosa che succede a lei.
Penso che lo strappo che abbiamo creato sia difficile da ricucire. Ho pianto due giorni sulle cose che mi ha detto. Come me le ha dette, dove me le ha dette. Ma piu' della nostra litigata, penso che gli eventi del giorno prima mi abbiano allontanata da lei. Neanche le cose che ha detto e fatto lei, quelle che ha detto il suo ragazzo. Perche' l'unica fonte da cui lui poteva attingere per permettersi di trattarmi in un certo modo era lei.
E anche se pensavo che saremmo riuscite a parlare ancora, a ritrovarci in quel territorio fragile in cui riuscivamo ad essere anche buone amiche, adesso non ci credo piu’. Non sono ancora sicura di avere capito se mi dispiace o no.
So, tell me, am I the only person ever, ever reading the stories of Petzi the Bear growing up??? Do you know how much you have missed out?? Gosh, I had almost forgotten about him, and then Bertilla made rolled omelettes with jam last night, and there it is!!
"For growing numbers of American women, the church is seen as an institution riddled with a sexism that does not take their concerns seriously. Not only ordination but birth control, altar girls, lay preaching, inclusive language and fair treatment of lay and religious staff are seen as issues that particularly touch women. In the 19th century, the church lost European working-class males because it stood with the status quo against the inevitable movement of history. There is a serious risk that the church will lose women in the next century the way it lost European working-class men in the last.
The growing alienation of women from the church is extremely serious because it is women who, as mothers and teachers, pass on the faith to the next generation. This is a fact unrecognized by both church leaders and feminists. Women already have a vast amount of power in the church because as mothers and teachers they determine what the next generation of Catholics will actually believe. At best, the priest has 10 minutes to preach once a week. Women interact with children and teach them constantly.
If women are mad at their pastors, if they are angry with the hierarchy, if they are anticlerical, the next generation of men and women will be anticlerical. To expect priestly or religious vocations from families with anticlerical mothers is ridiculous. The church cannot survive without the active support of women."
Anche se lungo e complesso, val la pena leggersi tutto l'articolo....