Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I don't know why...

I find myself so incredibly obsessed with this new Pope. I mean, not like I care what he does/ says, it's just that I'm back to where I began, the recognition of the power of this person who's going to "rule" over a billion people. Now, that's a lot. Romans at their peak didn't rule over a billion. Maybe British at their peak did, but that's about it. I'm wondering what's illuminated, what's going to be good, how can he avoid alienating all the people who don't believe in a vengeful God. I'm so fascinated with the process, the hierarchy, the formalities. I don't know what it is. I am curious, curious out of my mind!! I wonder if it is the morose curiosity of rubberneckers, or vultures: those who know something bad is going to happen and can't wait for it! I'm a little baffled at this attitude, I can't help it. I just so hope I'm wrong. For all that billion who really lives by his dictates...


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