Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Book Snob

Vacation leaves a lot of free time for reading, thank God. I am thoroughly enjoying being able to go through my books, and linger in the bliss of being able to go through pages and pages without any further obligation. I am having a great time. Not much sun, but a lot, a lot of water and a lot of sleeping. Bedtime in Maui is set around 8:30pm. Believe it or not, I think I might be the oldest 32-year-old on the planet! :)
So, David Leavitt's "The Body of Jonah Boyd" has not impressed me. The book is okay to begin, steers toward good, but it's never great, never brilliant, never really enticing. The last chapter kind of is, as it puts on a full new twist, but it's not his best book. I was somewhat disappointed. I have moved on to Three Junes, by Julia Glass. So far, it's not too bad, there's a brilliant recommendation on the back cover by Cunningham to read it... but... you know how a single phrase make you decide that a book is really good?? A single image, a single phrase, sets you up for a pleasant reading? Well, here I have found the opposite. ON PAGE ONE THERE'S A GRAMMATICAL ERROR!! AAAARGH!!! Can you find it? Or is it me, shying away from my former knowledge of the English language??? (Please tell me you can, and (hint!) that word in English is really a plural!)
I'm such a book snob!! :)


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