Monday, April 18, 2005


Vacation vacation vacation. That's all I can think about: vacation, beach, sun, sea, relax, sleeping. Water, fishes, swimming, more sun, great food, sleep. Am I making sense? and if I'm not, who cares??

I have found myself irremediably European when it comes to time off. For those who don't know, I took the entire month of December off, and then some. So, it's only been 3 months and a half since the last time off, no-project-on-sight, but it feels like a century. I'm tired, I'm cranky, I NEED a vacation. It's seriously physical. I have a hard time concentrating, I'm tired "inside", I'm craving these next TEN (yiiippiiieeeeeeee!!!) days of nothing but relax. I'm kind of afraid that moving forward it's not a good sign that I have such a physical need to stop every 3 months, but... oh well! I just don't understand this American policy with time off, like ten working days are enough, in a year, to rest and recollect. I BLESS my company, and its fabulous policy of giving overtime in additional vacation. It's the best company in the world!!! I was listening to the radio the other day to this host who was making a fuss about the fact the State of California is giving out additional time off to employees. He was saying, that's not money, that's just time nobody knows what to do with!! It makes me flip. Like quality of life, spending time with your family (even if you stay home!) are just useless extras nobody should care about. Whatever.

Anyway. We're leaving Wednesday. Ten days. FREE. It doesn't get any better than this... :)


At 1:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senza offesa per nessuno ma, visti da qui (vecchia Europa/bel Paese)ed attraverso sicuramente un "filtro culturale", alcuni comportamenti "americani" non hanno per me molto senso ed uno fra questi è proprio quello relativo al concetto di lavoro/riposo: sembrano degli stakanovisti invasati di "etica calvinista", a disagio con tutto ciò che esula dal concetto di obiettivo/lavoro/soldi. Mi si dice, ma non so se sia una leggenda metropolitana, che un americano in genere non si fa tanti scrupoli a chiederti "quanto guadagni?" ed a misurare il tuo "successo" in base ai dollari che porti a casa. A me questo fa diventare veramente triste, lo trovo squallido e anche di cattivo gusto.
"Io sono i soldi che guadagno" bleah!
Eppure, ed è evidentissimo!,la vita è fatta di tante altre cose ed il lavoro è solo una di queste: per carità, è importante si, ma non è l'unica!!!
Per cui, evviva le vacanze!evviva il sistema italiano dove, alle brutte, almeno 20gg lavorative di ferie annue non te le leva nessuno ;)
Ps: se vai a fare immersioni, guardati dai leoni marini !


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