Saturday, March 19, 2005

I HATE Spring

So, am I the only one on the planet? I just thought I touch on the topic since the air conditioner has started blowing on my freacking neck all right, and that is the unequivocal sign of California Spring. So, even in temperate weather, where I could actually lay down my hatred for this stupid season, it has found a good way to come back and make me hate it. Again. All over again.
Anyway, when I was still in Italy the first few sun rays breaking through the clouds where the unmistakable beginning of me going menopausal. For that stupid month when the weather changed from winter to Freacking Spring, I was the walking handbook of menopause symptoms. Hot flashes. Chills. Sweats. Bad smell. Decreased Sex Drive. You NAME IT! There was never a time worse than the March-April period for me. Call me CrankyNess if you please. I remember clearly the March afternoon in 1994 (check me out!) where my hatred began: I was on the bus heading back to the train station, and I started breaking a marathon sweat!!! I swear, I was smelling worse than a rotten sock, a wet dog and a triathlete, all together!!! I HAD TO GET OFF THE BUS because I was too embarrassed!!! I walked back to the station from Piazza Malpighi, cursing and swearing under my breath. There was no shower in sight for me before Cesenatico, two hours away. That's how it all begun...
I had to move my ass half-way through the planet to find a place where sandals are in season from February to November, and avoid the dreaded transition from Winter is not even there!! And what I get in exchange??? A neck paralysis. I swear, someone explain to me why in California, although I had a chance to observe it in the whole US, any temperature indoor above 60ºF (15.5ºC) is considered indecent. That is, in warm weather. In Winter, they give you a break- we had our office set to 64ºF for most of the "Winter". 4ºF above. Wow. If you're not impressed, you SHOULD be- it's been a long battle. So, here it comes again, the season of Onion Clothing: The jacket and sweater for office use, the strappy top and sandals for outside.
You gotta LOVE Spring. You think??


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